Timing & Data Contractors
Wingman Timing, LLC is always looking for part-time Timing and Data Contractors to help time and process track and field meets in the Columbus, OH and surrounding cities and states. We service all levels of competition from AAU to MS & HS to College & USATF. We are looking for dependable people who can be onsite for the day and have a good working knowledge of computers and windows operating systems with the ability to learn quickly. Training on software and systems will be needed and we are looking for candidates that are hungry to learn and committed to making Timing a seasonal part-time job.
Willingness to learn and invest time into work
Ability to travel to neighboring states
IT and computer networking background
Ability to multi-task in occasionally hectic environments
Learn a rare and interesting skillset
Highly competitive pay
Not stuck in an office
Part-time/ability to work as much as you want
Please reach out to us via the contact page and we will respond as soon as possible. We'd love to have you as part of our team and spread the Wingman culture to every school, club, and organization in the timing community.